Novel dear benjamin

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Saying that he has always been bad at talking, Isaac prepared a bouquet of flowers for Felix and asks if it was for a date. Asked why he is so cold Isaac responds that it is because his current surroundings are making him uncomfortable. If Felix was not satisfied with the bouquet then Isaac said he could offer a refund. Hiding the letter titled 'Dear Benjamin' Isaac says it is his private affairs. Seeing Felix again and asking what type of flowers he would like, Isaac's heart beats as he registers the gun placed at his head. On whether he remembers him Isaac knows Felix is that famous arms dealer that he has seen in the news before. Observing Felix and Tony he wonders what is this situation where a gun was pointed at him and suddenly now they are betting. Considering what type of person Felix is, from the way he speaks his attitude is much different to what Isaac expected. While he is not good at arranging them Isaac recognizes the flowers available such as Calla Lilies. Asked by Felix if Benjamin is his lover Isaac thinks how he must not meet him again.

The perfect extreme dominant alpha Felix Felice was, for some reason, attracted to the cold florist, Issac. Noticing some clutter on the counter Felix finds a postcard with 'Dear Benjamin' written on it and wonders if Isaac addressed it to a lover.

Dear Benjamin is a very fun yet filling BL

Am I the only one who finds the author's attitude disgusting? They're blaming illegal readers for the discontinuation of Dear Benjamin, and

I would like to apologize to the fans who liked and supported the <Dear Benjamin> series with my remarks related to the recently controversial webtoon artist's past works.

As those of you who have followed my Twitter will know, on July 20th, I posted a notice on Twitter asking me to take down illegal translations of Dear Benjamin novels and webtoons that are posted on foreign illegal sites and SNS.

I can understand your thinking. I often discuss about this topics too (that some people like shota or gore etc.) And i don't like this stuff too (can't understand this "taste of people)... Sure..i don't saw the worse shota art. But it has nothing to do with "dear Benjamin". Would had "dear Benjamin" include some hints about "shota". That would be really bad. But shota, gore etc is an art not a real crime. Sure ..i will never understand this taste but i can't criticism people who like it. I mean..., I like to read yaoi.(why i found "dear Benjamin") And for many people, the will look about this(yaoi) with the same eyes as with the topic "shota". The can't understand the taste.

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